Rudai 23: Things 11 and 12.

Thing 11: Personal Brand

I selected task 1 as I already have a Linkedin account and have no need to create an ORCID account. To get ideas I browsed and examined profiles on Linkedin and Twitter before creating a new profile and pasting it to  my Twitter profile.  However I had to edited it somewhat before it would fit into my Twitter profile.

Thing 12: Collaborative tools.

The last time time I really worked on a group project was during my Master’s degree. This was the Capstone group project, lasting roughly eight months. But fear not, I will not blog this post down with irrelevant details (I hope).

During the project we worked via a mixture of face to face and virtual communication. During the semester we held face to face meetings, which we arranged through email. Outside of those meetings we communicated via Whatsapp or email, which we used to check on a task’s progress or to suggest a date for the next meeting. After May we conducted our group meeting solely through Skype as we were then split over several countries, with different schedules. We also commented on each other’s work in Google Docs.

In my experience, the group project was generally positive despite have a wide range of ages and personalities. However this was partially due to us sharing a common goal and desiring to perform well on the project. Additionally in our group meetings we scheduled tasks and discussed who would do what in advance. Additionally in hindsight, I could have contributed more to the group and interacted with them more outside of the project.

Regarding collaborative tools, we mainly used Google Drive, Skype, Whatsapp and email as they were all common apps used by myself and my group members. However if I had to do the project again, I strongly think that both Trello or Doodle (listed in Thing 12 lesson) would have been very useful tools for the project. This is because they would have helped with scheduling and tracking the things to be done in completing the project.


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